A REST service providing Cinema & Theater schedule info for mobile clients.
Gets all the events that take place in the specified city for the current week and can hide TimeTableLocations.
Gets all the events that take place in the specified city for the current week.
Gets all the events that take place in the specified city for the current week without TimeTableLocations and with LocationName.
Gets a list of all the cities in the system.
Get information for the specific city.
Gets a list of the cities that hold events the current week.
Gets a list of the cities that hold events the specified week.
Gets all the events that take place in the specified city for the specified week.
Get information for a specific event.
Get information for a specific event with TimeTableLocation data grouped.
Gets the events for a specific location the current week.
Gets the events for a specific location the specified week.
Gets a list of locations in the specified city that hold events in the current week.
Gets a list of locations in the specified city that hold events in the specified week.
Gets a collection of the new events in the city for the current week.
Gets a collection of the new events in the city for the specified week.